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Anniversary Story | Apr 13, 2017

Red Bucket

It’s 4 o’clock on Friday afternoon and one of our new hires is greeting team members in our largest training room, called The HITT Way. It’s a casual gathering, with team members playing ping pong and enjoying beverages as the weekend gets underway. Welcome to Red Bucket, our weekly gathering where new team members are introduced to both their colleagues and the culture here at HITT.

Every Friday, for as long as most folks can remember, a new team member has walked the halls at headquarters, collecting funds (in an actual red bucket!) to sponsor the afternoon’s happy hour. They then set up the spread and host the event, with the goal of meeting as many people as possible.

The tradition unofficially started years ago when team members would wind down the week by enjoying a cold one together on Friday afternoons. Rumor has it that the inaugural batch of beers was actually offered as an incentive to Co-Chairman Brett Hitt as a means to get some extra help allotted to a project.

It’s unclear when things morphed into what Red Bucket is today, but this is one of the ways we get to know the newest in our ranks and connect across sectors—to break the ice and build relationships. We’ll raise a toast to that any Friday afternoon.

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